RIP Mayor Deana Stranz

Monday, May 4, 2009

I am absolutely devastated to bring you the news that Mayor Deana Stranz died late this evening. She died just as she lived, as a hero.

At approximately 7:00 PM this evening Deana and her family were walking their golden retriever through the neighborhood of Crown Knolls. There had recently been complaints to the council about the disrepair of some of the homes there and she decided to take a look for herself.

At approximately 7:30 PM a small home in Crown Knolls caught fire. The owner of the home, a young single mother had left incense burning while she ran across the street to talk to a neighbor. When she exited the neighbor’s home she saw her house in flames.

By this point Mayor Deana had reached the commotion and called 911. She looked for the homeowner, a Miss Marietta Edgecomb. Miss Edgecomb emerged at that time from the neighbor’s house and ran towards her burning home, yelling that her baby was still inside. As crowd watchers held her back she passed out.

The fire truck and ambulance had yet to arrive and the house was burning quite quickly. At this point Mayor Deana took matters into her own hands. She had been separated from her family by the crowd and ran into the blazing building herself. No one can be quite sure what happened inside the house but according to the police report Deana found the two year old child upstairs in her crib. The stairs must have collapsed after her as she appears to have jumped from the 2nd floor landing. By this time she was covered in fourth degree burns on 45% of her body.

As she reached the door, the house collapsed around her, crushing her left leg. Stranz made it out of the rubble just in time for the fire department to show up. She handed them the baby and then collapsed.

Ultimately her death was caused by smoke inhalation she incurred as she searched for and rescued the child. She died at 10:30 PM this evening at the Camelot Memorial Hospital.

A short biography of Deana’s life and her high hopes when she was elected mayor can be found here. I urge each of us to read it and really contemplate what it means to be a hero and a good citizen of Camelot. The child Deana saved was the daughter of Israel Falcone and his ex-girlfriend. Mr. Falcone is the leader of the recent revolt against the Mayor. Deana knew all of this and still did not experience even the slightest of hesitations at giving her life for this child. If that is not the perfect mayor I don’t know what is.

Although she was likely to have been ousted from her mayoral position tomorrow, she died our mayor and so all flags will be lowered tomorrow to morn the loss of one of Camelot’s finest citizens.

Our deepest sorrows and sympathies go out to her family. Camelot is certainly much darker without her.

Funeral arrangements will be posted at a later date. 


Amanda Hale

Amanda Hale (58) is well known throughout Camelot, although not a native of the town. After her great aunt died, leaving her a tolerable inheritance she moved from her hometown of Godric’s Hallow to Camelot. She used her inheritance to refurbish an old firehouse into a now popular bookstore in 1974. Filled with new and used books Miss Hale specializes in Libertarian publications. Unfortunately, said books are her only experience with government. Although she has a long history of opposing government and participating in strikes throughout the country she has neither actual experience holding a government position nor even experience with political science from school. 

She is somewhat of a recluse and is known for showing her displeasure with government (local or federal) through bathing strikes. I’m not so worried by her political beliefs as I am worried about her social graces. She is not known for getting along with people of differing views and her idea of a compromise is the opposition giving up. If the community is looking for a way to keep meetings organized and concise, Hale would be a poor choice. Now, if it is looking for someone to sit down in the middle of the meeting and chant her demands? Well then she’s a fine choice. 

Note- A picture of Amanda could not be procured as she feels photographs are bad for her aura. 


TJ Honeycut

Mr. Honeycutt (53) is a beloved fixture in Camelot. Although somewhat of a rabble-rouser he has nothing but the best of intentions. A true fighter for the community’s wants, TJ has been the founder and president of CANT (Camelotters Against New Taxes) for six years. He and his wife, Millicent, are very active in government at the state and local levels. His recent absences at city council meetings have been due to a trip they took to D.C. to lobby congress for lower taxes. The two have been working for their cause for many years together, in fact they met at a meeting of the CSU’s College Republicans in 1977. This man may be feisty but it’s only for the good of Camelot, he would be a valuable member of the City Council and certainly keep meetings swift and efficient!


Israel Falcone

Israel Falcone. What can I say about him? If it were just for me, I’d let this picture do all the talking… However, for those of you who need more convincing, well I’m willing to take the challenge. 

Besides the fact that two of his “masseuses” are currently under arrest for prostitution (which I believe makes him something of a brothel owner) he has a long list of other discrepancies. Among them, we find placing a pipe bomb in a mailbox, public indecency (twice), and public intoxication (thrice). These are just part of his record since he has turned 25 (he is now 31), I’d rather not get into his prodigious list beforehand. 

On a less personal note, Israel has been running Mr. Magorium’s Porno Emporium in Camelot for 5 years. I personally applaud him for brining the city into the 21st century with his store. He faced a certain amount of criticism back when he started it but it has died down since. However, outrage at the recent prostitution bust has brought quite a bit of that back. 

Israel also has a two year old daughter who lives with her mother on the other side of town in Crown Knolls. He graduated from Camelot High School in 1996 and has since not pursued further education.

I would just like to remind anyone who is at all interested in police interests that Mr. Falcone is firmly opposed to all police funding. At our April 23rd City Council meeting he was quite adamant in this, saying “Let the police go on strike! Evil Gestapo, Nazis…”

Brothel owner, a criminal record, and refers to cops as Nazis. Not exactly the kind of city council member I was hoping for. 


Steven Ballard

With the recent issues going on in Camelot we at CDN thought it would be prudent to introduce you all to the new candidates. Each nominee will have one post and I do hope that they help you choose wisely in your decision tomorrow. 

Steven is quite qualified for his position on the planning commission with his degree in urban studies from Princeton, which I suppose would make him qualified for the city council as well. He is first and foremost a family man, spending most of his free time with his two young daughters and his partner of 15 years, Kenneth Towler. However, this has not stopped him from being incredibly accomplished for the age of 40. He has spent many years on our planning commission (although his recent absences must be noted with a hint of distaste) and been at the head of many of the city’s more radical and successful changes. While doing this he has still maintained steady volunteer work at the hospital and has participated in many inmate rehabilitation programs. He has a stellar reputation with the citizens and is always available to chat with them about their complaints. 


A Moment to Recollect

Sunday, May 3, 2009

While no one can argue that the city council has not quite been up to par recently, I think it's important to remember the years of exquisite service they have delivered up to now. For almost a decade Deana Stranz has graced us with her presence on the council and Robbie, Sarah, Jon, and Tedra all have long and fantastic reputations on the council as well.  

I understand that personal life should be separate as from city council work as possible, but no one can argue that the two are ever completely unrelated. And lately, this city council has hit the bermuda triangle of personal lives!

Deana's mother-in-law has been battling cancer for three years now and I'm sorry to say that she has recently taken a turn for the worse. The mayor and her family have been keeping close vigil at the nursing home where she has been living. 

Tedra is dealing with a huge amount of stress as she is up for tenure at Camelot University. She certainly deserves it and will probably get it, but it still comes with a lot of work. 

Robbie and his family recently dealt with a break in. Their front window was broken out before the robbers made off with electronics and family jewelry. The personal belongings were covered by insurance but the family has been visibly shaken. They have been staying with his parents for two weeks now. 

Jon is, unfortunately, going though a very public and messy divorce. He and his wife have recently split and she seems to be dragging it out for as long as possible. 

Sarah, unlike the others, has joyful news! Although still stressful. She and her husband are expecting their third child! She has been spending all her free time running after her other children and visiting her doctor. 

It is crucial that at a time like this we look at the long and outstanding histories of these council members before we make any rash decisions. 


City Council

Thursday, April 30, 2009

This post will henceforth serve as a place to discuss the commotion at today's city council meeting. The recall of four city council members is a serious issue and I urge each of you to avoid a mob mentality and to think about this critically. 

As I receive more information complete biographies of the possible replacements will be posted at the CDN. 

Please remember to list your name, anonymous comments will be deleted immediately. 
Remain courteous, keep in mind that not everyone in the community will hold the same opinion you do.
As moderator I reserve the right to delete any comment that I deem inappropriate although I sincerely hope that will not be necessary. 


Cold Front

I for one am glad that the planning commission will not be meeting for awhile. Perhaps the city council takes a bit longer to make a decision, but at least they seem like they care. The planning commission generally seems to be very cold and take on a high and mighty attitude. When one needs to plead their case it helps to at least think the people listening care. 

On top of that they are also notorious for whispering amongst themselves during meetings. The shared secrets and giggles, knowing nods of the head set my mind at unease. Personally, I don't think there's a need to whisper unless there's something to hide. 


"We Meet Your Needs"? Apparently So...

Since allowing Israel Falcone to turn part of his adult establishment into a massage parlor, the cops have been rather busy. Police Chief, Eric Moreland, reported that two women and one man are currently under investigation for the suspicion of prostitution. 

All three were arrested after uncover cops requested a "deluxe"" massage at the parlor. Each police officer was partnered with a masseuse of the opposite sex and received a massage. At the end of the 30 minute session each masseuse then offered their respective officer something of a "happy ending."

No word yet on how the city will react, but my guess is that it will not be good. 


*Breaking News*

In what seems to be an attempt to maintain a controversial art display, the Camelot Art Museum has spread quite the gossip (if that is the correct word). Assistant to the art director, Pansy Parkinson, contacted the newspaper late this evening and asked to speak with me directly. I took her call and was quite surprised with what she had to say. Apparently, she is under the impression that  one of the two models in the nude homoerotic photographs currently up for discussion at tomorrow's meeting is a son of a city council member. 

Take from this what you will. Perhaps it is an attempt to cower the city council into quietly passing the photographs along and allowing them to remain in the museum or perhaps it's just an opportunity for 15 minutes of fame. 

As a side note, the only council members with sons of legal age are Robert McKerr and Jon Dravet. 


First Tornado in Over a Century

Monday, April 27, 2009

Camelot experienced it's first tornado in over 150 years last night. Citizens of Camelot should be thankful, the F-4 cyclone could have caused intense damage but instead touched down only once in our city before moving east to Ackerley. 

There were no injuries attributed to the tornado and very little property damage. Most citizens took shelter in Camelot High School's gymnasium. 

The only casualty in what could have been a devastating outcome was the First Presbyterian Church located in Pioneer Park. Built in 1843 the church was certainly a treasure in our town, the site of more weddings and graduation parties than can ever be counted. Unfortunately it was flattened last evening in the storm. 
The beautiful brick building recently became the center of controversy in Camelot when a developer offered to buy Pioneer Park to put up a 10+ story hotel. Citizens of Camelot were split on the decision. 

Perhaps mother nature just made the choice a little easier. 


New Section

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Camelot Daily News had added a new section! You will notice that the lower left section of the site now contains polls. These were added to get a better feel of citizen's opinions and backgrounds. They will be updated weekly with new questions relevant to the issues. If you have any suggestions for polls feel free to leave them in the comments section of this post. Please contribute! 

And this is also a reminder of just how much we at CDN love to see your comments!



It's no secret that Brandon Gingras, Camelot's City Manager, has his issues with the City Council. They continually clash over issues and he has a tendency to not quite deliver on their requests. However, when a City Council member approached me this morning and told me that he had been overheard complaining about how much he dislikes his job to say that I was surprised would be an understatement. 

I think it is safe to say that the community as a whole would like our City Manager to enjoy his or her job and relish the fact that he or she has an opportunity to help Camelot like no one else. I'd like to say that if Mr. Gingras takes note and adjusts his attitude that the city will move on, but perhaps it's too late for changed attitudes and time for a new appointment. 


Planning Commission

Tomorrow is Camelot's first Planning Commission meeting of the year and I must say, I hope that they are able to run their meetings a bit more smoothly than the City Council has been. The City Council has been struggling the past two meetings, generally the agenda is only ever half finished. One wonders when someone will come up with a way for these meetings to run more smoothly and efficiently. I, for one, would like to see the problems of this town solved and managed in an effective fashion. 


Coffee with the Mayor

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

As you must have heard by now, Camelot city council elected a new mayor this morning, Deana Stranz. I was lucky enough to have been granted an interview with her directly after the election. I arrived early to our meeting place, The Round Table Cafe on the corner of Church and Union, and soon saw Deana run over from the government building across the street, still dressed from that morning's meeting. After a rushed greeting we order coffee and get to business. 

Camelot Daily News: "So how do you feel? Are you excited?"
Deana Stranz: "Oh I'm so excited! Growing up my father served two terms as mayor of Godric's Hallow so this has just always been a dream of mine. Today's session was a little rough but I do believe that that I can rise to the challenge and I hope to meet the expectations that are upon me. "

Deana has an absolutely sterling resume, so it's hard to believe that she would be unable to rise to the challenge. After receiving her bachelor's degree in political science from Columbia University she moved on to Harvard to earn her masters. She lives in one of the more prestigious neighborhoods of Camelot, Forest Acres. Many of us remember her home from the pictorial featured in the May 2006 issue of Better Homes and Gardens. This will be her 10th year on City Council. 

CDN: "So tell me a little bit about your family?"
DS: "Well James and I met each other in our first year at Harvard in 1987. We've now been married 18 years."
CDN: "And what does he do?"
DS: "He's a lawyer in Camelot."

She's just being modest. He's actually one of the most respected lawyers in Camelot and works at the very prestigious law firm of Marshall & Dershowitz. 

CDN: "What about your children, David and Kathleen?"
DS: "Well they're both at Camelot Elementary. David just turned 12 and is in 6th grade. He is very active in swimming and soccer at our local YMCA. Kathleen is 9 and in 3rd grade. She is currently taking riding lessons and seems to be really enjoying them! She's also working on learning to playing the violin."
CDN: "Well good! So now down to business. Tell me a little bit about your policies and what you're hoping to accomplish as mayor."
DS: "Well, I know as a homeowner I am very much against property taxes. I don't like the idea of the government telling you what to do with your property, as a homeowner you have the right to do with it what you please."

She takes a wistful look out the window of the cafe at the crumbling buildings and empty store windows across the street before taking a sip of her latte and proceeding. 

DS: "I also believe that the dilapidation of downtown Camelot is a huge problem and that is why I plan on really fighting for the hotel plaza situation. I believe the hotel coming to town will revive our downtown. It will help business owners and bring in a lot of people. I hope it will help with some of the problems we've been having with business closing or moving out. Also I'm very concerned about taxes. I want to keep town spending down so taxes will stay down. Less government spending, definitely. Our budget is coming up soon on the agenda and it is definitely going to take a lot of work to hammer out the details."

Who knows what the future will bring, but as of now I would say the city of Camelot can rest easy. Deana is incredibly qualified and seems to have a good idea of her goals for her term as mayor.


Officer Dennis Murphy

I am very sorry to bring this news to the town of Camelot, but I am afraid that our city lost one of it's finest last night. Officer Dennis Murphy was shot in the line of duty after he responded to a robbery at the College View  Liquor Store. 

Dennis Murphy was a 45 year old father of three. He and his wife, Diane Murphy, celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary this past January. 

Dennis was a member of the Camelot PD for 15 years and had received numerous commendations for various instances of bravery and dedication. He was an upstanding citizen and very active in the community. He volunteered at Camelot's Boy Scout Camp for 7 summers and was also an active Police Officer member of DARE, an organization aimed at keeping school children away from drugs and alcohol. 

Camelot will join in mourning as all flags on municipal buildings will be flown at half-staff for seven days. A Certificate of Commendation will soon be prepared and delivered to his family.
The town as a whole is invited to join in lowering their flags as a sign of respect for Officer Murphy and his family. 

Funeral arrangements were incomplete as of press time. 


Mayoral Elections

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Tomorrow our city council will elect one of it’s own as mayor of Camelot. Up for the job it looks like we have Deana Stranz (a moderate business owner), Jon Dravet (the predictable ex-police chief), and Sarah Lowther (the intense conservative). It's anyone guess as to who will ultimately hold the title, but you can be sure that the Camelot Daily News will be back tomorrow with full coverage!


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