Israel Falcone
Monday, May 4, 2009
Israel Falcone. What can I say about him? If it were just for me, I’d let this picture do all the talking… However, for those of you who need more convincing, well I’m willing to take the challenge.
Besides the fact that two of his “masseuses” are currently under arrest for prostitution (which I believe makes him something of a brothel owner) he has a long list of other discrepancies. Among them, we find placing a pipe bomb in a mailbox, public indecency (twice), and public intoxication (thrice). These are just part of his record since he has turned 25 (he is now 31), I’d rather not get into his prodigious list beforehand.
On a less personal note, Israel has been running Mr. Magorium’s Porno Emporium in Camelot for 5 years. I personally applaud him for brining the city into the 21st century with his store. He faced a certain amount of criticism back when he started it but it has died down since. However, outrage at the recent prostitution bust has brought quite a bit of that back.
Israel also has a two year old daughter who lives with her mother on the other side of town in Crown Knolls. He graduated from Camelot High School in 1996 and has since not pursued further education.
I would just like to remind anyone who is at all interested in police interests that Mr. Falcone is firmly opposed to all police funding. At our April 23rd City Council meeting he was quite adamant in this, saying “Let the police go on strike! Evil Gestapo, Nazis…”
Brothel owner, a criminal record, and refers to cops as Nazis. Not exactly the kind of city council member I was hoping for.
This man is a disgrace to Camelot. At, first I didn't mind his business and his behavior. However, I have come to realize that this is a bad man. He continually criticizes the police, which I know Police Chief Moreland takes personally as do I. He is running a corrupt business with illegal employees. We need to do something about this before it escalates even farther.
Mr. Falcone is a good person as well as a great business owner. His business is flourishing and he has brought lots of money into our city. YES he has a few ISSUES, but I think we can look past them!!!!!
Director of Plan Dept.
Tyler Delauder
A very peculiar person Mr. Falcon can bring to the community some things, including the appropriate representation we are lacking off in the current city council, however, there has to be ordinance in our community and I have notice the several times he is strongly against police funding and this cannot happen in Camelot, we need to maintain and regulate order, we can't make the police go into a strike!!
I can not believe that someone like this is going to be put on city council. He a disgrace to our town and will be sure to spend the budget on items that will only help to benifit himself instead of the town.
He is a disgrace to our city. I don't like the way he continually criticizes the police. He is running a corrupt business with illegal employees. I can not believe people voted for him on the council.
John Smolinski
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