Planning Commission
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Tomorrow is Camelot's first Planning Commission meeting of the year and I must say, I hope that they are able to run their meetings a bit more smoothly than the City Council has been. The City Council has been struggling the past two meetings, generally the agenda is only ever half finished. One wonders when someone will come up with a way for these meetings to run more smoothly and efficiently. I, for one, would like to see the problems of this town solved and managed in an effective fashion.
At the last City Council meeting, there was so much debating on what items should or should not be purchased for the police department, that no former decision was made toward the matter. Something needs to happen in order for the Council to bring an end to debates sooner and make decisions that will help Camelot.
Josie Frye
Clerk of Council
I agree, there have been a lot of things said that have been off the topic at hand or have no place being brought up at the time they are. I think that the City Counsel needs to try to find a way to make sure that people will stay on the topic at hand without straying, or streamlining the process in some way to move things along.
Eddie Shei
Business Owner
I would have to agree, but it makes the meetings fun and interesting to attend. We have such a diverse group of people in Camelot and we all want whats best for our city. And at least all the interaction/debate means that we care about what happens. I do agree that we need to stay on task a little better, but I think the council members put a lot of effort into the meetings and genuinely care about our city and us as citizens.
Cassie Davis
Head of the Feminist Majority
I feel that the city council meetings definitely tend to go around in circles and dwell on aspects of the issues that aren't really that relevant. With the vast amount of opinions, I understand that the council is doing their best to hear everyone's voices, but I think that things could be handled much more efficiently. Personally, I feel that some of the comments made by a few of the council members directed toward some of Camelot's concerned citizens got out of hand and thus made the process drag out even further. I know that all of the council members are trying to make things work and kudos to them, but they have some improvements to make!
Maria Neff
Student Body President
Camelot State University
I think the Planning Commission's meeting went smoothly. Let's keep up the professionalism.
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