Officer Dennis Murphy
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
I am very sorry to bring this news to the town of Camelot, but I am afraid that our city lost one of it's finest last night. Officer Dennis Murphy was shot in the line of duty after he responded to a robbery at the College View Liquor Store.
Dennis Murphy was a 45 year old father of three. He and his wife, Diane Murphy, celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary this past January.
Dennis was a member of the Camelot PD for 15 years and had received numerous commendations for various instances of bravery and dedication. He was an upstanding citizen and very active in the community. He volunteered at Camelot's Boy Scout Camp for 7 summers and was also an active Police Officer member of DARE, an organization aimed at keeping school children away from drugs and alcohol.
Camelot will join in mourning as all flags on municipal buildings will be flown at half-staff for seven days. A Certificate of Commendation will soon be prepared and delivered to his family.

The town as a whole is invited to join in lowering their flags as a sign of respect for Officer Murphy and his family.
Funeral arrangements were incomplete as of press time.
My heart goes out to the family and friends of Officer Murphy. We truly lost a great citizen. I also wanted to say that I attended the city council meeting yesterday, and I would like to commend the council in their efforts to honor Officer Murphy and for their decision to not open up the amendment to honor all those citizens that have worked for Camelot and died. I feel that if we had opened the amendment to include all citizens that have worked for Camelot that the flags would have half-staffed year round and not many would know the reason. This is not to say that their death is any less tragic or horrible, but by opening it up to such a large number of citizens (Camelot holds 160,000 citizens, therefore a lot of people work for our city) really takes away from someone who has died while trying to keep our streets safe.
Amanda Hale
Firehouse Bookstore
Dennis Murphy was a perfect example of a model human being and police officer. His time spent during work and with his family will never be forgotten. Being a former police officer, I would have been proud to call Dennis my colleague and friend. My prayers go out to Diane and his three beautiful children. Remember to keep Dennis and his family in your thoughts.
Nate Felver
President, Police Benevolent Association
My deepest sympathy to the family and friends of Officer Murphy. Those who knew him knew him to be a good man and a great husband and father. He did his duty for our community and will remembered.
Eddie Shei
Business owner
It's extremely sad that we had to see the loss of one of our finest officers. I really hope that Camelot can spare some of the money in its budget to help out the police department in buying better protective equipment. We need to take care of the ones who protect us.
Josie Frye
Clerk of Council
As a huge supporter of the Police and what they do for myself and my neighborhood, my heart goes out to the family and friends of Officer Murphy. Not only was he a great police officer but a great citizen of Camelot. It people like him that made me respect the police even more. He will forever be missed.
John Smolinski,
Director, CSU Institute for Applied Gerontological Studies.
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