TJ Honeycut

Monday, May 4, 2009

Mr. Honeycutt (53) is a beloved fixture in Camelot. Although somewhat of a rabble-rouser he has nothing but the best of intentions. A true fighter for the community’s wants, TJ has been the founder and president of CANT (Camelotters Against New Taxes) for six years. He and his wife, Millicent, are very active in government at the state and local levels. His recent absences at city council meetings have been due to a trip they took to D.C. to lobby congress for lower taxes. The two have been working for their cause for many years together, in fact they met at a meeting of the CSU’s College Republicans in 1977. This man may be feisty but it’s only for the good of Camelot, he would be a valuable member of the City Council and certainly keep meetings swift and efficient!


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